So, to spare the tedium, here are some kits for characters of all levels, using collections of stuff from the Equipment chapter of the Player's Handbook. Magical equipment hasn't been included here. I know that this has been done before, but I also included mount packages (with barding and the like.)
Each item in a kit has its total weight and cost, so that you can quickly add or remove more items and keep track of what needs to be replaced.
It's recommended that you pick one of the Essentials kits, and then one or two of the other kits on the list. (Only the Essentials kits and the mount gear come with a bag to put everything in.)
Deluxe Essentials Kit
- backpack 2 gp 2 lbs*
- bedroll 1 sp 5 lbs*
- 1-pint flask 3 cp 1.5 lbs
- 7 days' trail rations 3.5 gp 7 lbs*
- healer's kit 50 gp 1 lb
Weight: 16.5 lbs (6 lbs Small)
Full Essentials Kit
- backpack 2 gp 2 lbs*
- bedroll 1 sp 5 lbs*
- 1-pint flask 3 cp 1.5 lbs
- 7 days' trail rations 3.5 gp 7 lbs*
Weight: 15.5 lbs (5 lbs Small)
Basic Essentials Kit
- backpack 2 gp 2 lbs*
- bedroll 1 sp 5 lbs*
- 1-pint flask 3 cp 1.5 lbs
- 3 days' trail rations 1.5 gp 3 lbs*
Weight: 11.5 lbs (4 lbs Small)
Deluxe Wilderness Kit
- hunting knife 2 gp 1 lb
- whestone 2 cp 1 lb
- bucket 5 sp 2 lbs
- shovel 2 gp 8 lb
- hammer 5 sp 2 lbs
- 2 square yards canvas 2 sp 2 lbs
- fishing line and hook 1 sp
- flint and steel 1 gp
- iron pot 5 sp 10 lbs
- signal whistle 8 sp
- tent 10 gp 20 lbs*
- waterskin 1 gp 4 lbs*
- 2 vials antitoxin 100 gp
- climber's kit 80 gp 5 lbs*
Weight: 55 lbs (33.25 lbs Small)
Full Wilderness Kit
- hunting knife 2 gp 1 lb
- whestone 2 cp 1 lb
- shovel 2 gp 8 lb
- hammer 5 sp 2 lbs
- 2 square yards canvas 2 sp 2 lbs
- fishing line and hook 1 sp
- flint and steel 1 gp
- iron pot 5 sp 10 lbs
- tent 10 gp 20 lbs*
- waterskin 1 gp 4 lbs*
Weight: 48 lbs (30 Small)
Basic Wilderness Kit
- hunting knife 2 gp 1 lb
- fishing line and hook 1 sp
- flint and steel 1 gp
- tent 10 gp 20 lbs*
- waterskin 1 gp 4 lbs*
Weight: 25 lbs (7 Small)
Cold Weather Kit
- cold weather outfit 8 gp 7 lbs*
- winter blanket 5 sp 3 lbs*
- firewood 1 cp 20 lbs
Weight: 23 lbs (20.75 lbs Small)
(weight here assumes that your cold weather outfit is your only set of clothing)
Deluxe Dungeoneering Kit
- everburning torch 110 gp 1 lb
- crowbar 2 gp 5 lbs
- 5 pitons 5 sp 2.5 lbs
- grappling hook 1 gp 4 lbs
- 50-foot silk rope 10 gp 5 lbs
- 3x chalk 3 cp
- 10-foot pole 2 sp 8 lbs
- caltrops 1 gp 2 lbs
- acid 10 gp 1 lb
- alchemist's fire 20 gp 1 lb
Weight: 29.5 lb
Full Dungeoneering Kit
- hooded lantern 7 gp 2 lb
- 4 pints of oil 4 sp 4 lbs
- crowbar 2 gp 5 lbs
- 5 pitons 5 sp 2.5 lbs
- grappling hook 1 gp 4 lbs
- 50-foot hemp rope 1 gp 10 lbs
- 3x chalk 3 cp
- 10-foot pole 2 sp 8 lbs
- caltrops 1 gp 2 lbs
Weight: 37.5 lb
Basic Dungeoneering Kit
- 10 torches 1 sp 10 lbs
- 5 pitons 5 sp 2.5 lbs
- 50-foot hemp rope 1 gp 10 lbs
- 3x chalk 3 cp
- 10-foot pole 2 sp 8 lbs
Weight: 30.5 lb
Deluxe Scholar's Kit
- 5x candles 5 cp
- 5x tindertwigs 5 gp
- black, red, and blue ink 40 gp
- pen 1 sp
- 100 sheets of parchment 20 gp
- sealing wax 1 gp 1 lb
- signet ring 5 gp
- soap 5 sp 1 lb
- steel mirror 10 gp .5 lbs
- magnifying glass 100 gp
- bell 1 gp
- hourglass 25 gp 1 lb
- merchant's scale 2 gp 1 lb
- 2 flasks holy water 50 gp 2 lbs
- sunrod 2 gp 1 lb
- wooden holy symbol 1 gp
Weight: 7.5 lb
Full Scholar's Kit
- 5x candles 5 cp
- 5x tindertwigs 5 gp
- ink 8 gp
- pen 1 sp
- 50 sheets of parchment 10 gp
- sealing wax 1 gp 1 lb
- signet ring 5 gp
- soap 5 sp 1 lb
- steel mirror 10 gp .5 lbs
- bell 1 gp
- 1 flask holy water 25 gp 1 lbs
- sunrod 2 gp 1 lb
- wooden holy symbol 1 gp
Weight: 5.5 lb
Basic Scholar's Kit
- 3x candles 3 cp
- 1x tindertwig 1 gp
- ink 8 gp
- pen 1 sp
- 10 sheets of parchment 1 gp
- soap 5 sp 1 lb
- steel mirror 10 gp .5 lbs
- sunrod 2 gp 1 lb
- wooden holy symbol 1 gp
Weight: 3.5 lb
Deluxe Mount Gear
- light warhorse or riding dog 150 gp
- chain shirt barding 400 gp 50 lbs or Small 200 gp 25 lbs
- bit and bridle 2 gp 1 lb
- military saddle 20 gp 30 lbs
- saddlebags 4 gp 8 lbs
- 7 days' feed 3.5 sp 70 lbs
Mount's Load: 159 lbs (124 lbs Small)
Full Mount Gear
- light warhorse or riding dog 150 gp
- leather barding 20 gp 30 lbs or Small 10 gp 15 lbs
- bit and bridle 2 gp 1 lb
- military saddle 20 gp 30 lbs
- saddlebags 4 gp 8 lbs
- 7 days' feed 3.5 sp 70 lbs
Mount's Load: 139 lbs (114 lbs Small)
Basic Mount Gear
- light horse 75 gp (or pony 30 gp)
- bit and bridle 2 gp 1 lb
- riding saddle 10 gp 25 lbs
- saddlebags 4 gp 8 lbs
- 7 days' feed 3.5 sp 70 lbs
Mount's Load: 104 lbs (94 lbs Small)
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